Nature Is The One Place …

Nature is the one place where miracles not only happen, but they happen all the time — Thomas Wolfe Watch for them … the miracles are always there for those who pause, breathe, and connect to nature from their hearts.  Our connection with nature runs deep as she is filled with the magic of the Creator and his/her wisdom as well. Those who have turned their backs on nature have and are suffering as a result whether they are aware of it or not.  However, it is never Read More

Thanksgiving Gratitude and Request …

I am grateful to be held by the world in such a way that is forcing me to come heart to heart with my core belief(s) of abandonment and rejection. Doing so is exceedingly painful and empowering all at the same time. My awareness is that releasing such core perceptions and beliefs is absolutely necessary to succeed in my (our) return to unity consciousness and divine right action here in body upon the Earth. I forgive all those who continue to repeat old perceptions of me to themselves Read More