Gratitude, gratitude, gratitude … I am so grateful to be alive and to once again to be embracing my mastery through joy. This past year has been one of the most challenging ones of my life thus far. “When you love deep enough, grief is your gift” … Matt Kahn from Embracing Your Humanity This year has been filled with beauty, with exquisite landscapes, grace filled magic, and grief beyond imagination in many ways. The grief I am understanding more has been my letting go of an idea Read More
Tag: gratitude
Thanksgiving Gratitude and Request …
I am grateful to be held by the world in such a way that is forcing me to come heart to heart with my core belief(s) of abandonment and rejection. Doing so is exceedingly painful and empowering all at the same time. My awareness is that releasing such core perceptions and beliefs is absolutely necessary to succeed in my (our) return to unity consciousness and divine right action here in body upon the Earth. I forgive all those who continue to repeat old perceptions of me to themselves Read More