Welcome to my continued sharing of LIVING WITHOUT WALLS …. This is an ongoing dialog 🙂 Our departure from Mount Shasta was enveloped in a cloud of emotions. The feeling of being pushed out by our landlord was top of the list along with my feeling helpless to change the events that were unfolding. He had been a wonderful landlord, but I had made the mistake of telling him that the money stream that I had been using to pay rent for 2.5 years was ending. I was Read More
LIVING WITHOUT WALLS – The Journey Begins …
Walls, walls walls …. Walls to keep things in. Walls to keep things out. Borders and boundaries. Protection and proclamation! Walls in our outer world are largely a part of the separation reality that we have created and perpetuated here on Earth. The letting go of walls is a major part of our return to unity within ourselves to the Divine – God – Creator and the embracing unity with all of Life – everyone and everything. Living without walls is an experience that the Universe and I Read More